Oct 12, 2008

Hello, My name is Keri and I hate spiders!!

OMG!!! Let me ask you a question.... when you have to kill a bug or a SPIDER what do you normally use? A fly swatter or a shoe or newspaper? Something like that right??!!?? Well I get anything and everything I can to kill spiders. This time this 8 legged freak was staring at me... I swear it was at least baseball size!!! Ok.. OK.. I am exaggerating a BIT... A BIT.. could have been tennis ball size! Anyway... that monster stared at me.. I started at him... and OMG.. I screamed sooo freakin loud I am sure the neighbors could hear me. I got my can of hair spray.. and mind you, I use the stiff stuff..lol and that did not even kill it... WHAT the HE double hockey sticks is that all about??? You would think it would have just shriveled up or something but NOOOOOOO it went into this attack mode and attacked me. I screamed to HIGH HELL!! YES.. now at this point my family is laughing hysterically and thinking I am a goob. Is there like a therapy session I can get into?? Come on now.. I finally had to have Tim kill it and it was gross! I sanitized my shoe and the spot...Bought a new can of hair spray and went on my merry way. I am so calling Orkin tomorrow to see what I can do about this spider infestation... I saw one by the trash can and one in my sump pump room.... would you consider that an infestation??? Put another kind of bug out there and I can handle it...but a spider? NOPE.. I look at it as I can lose a battle there.. my two stumps to their 8 freaky hairy legs... ewwwwwwwww... I have the heebie geebies!
Anyway... had a relaxing weekend.. cleaned house, did laundry and killed the spider.
A big shout out to Emily for fixing my title... I worked on that sucker for a LONG time till she took over.
Well better close and do my nightly bug checking...LOL yes I go around making sure I don't see any creatures lurking around before bed... and head off to dream world myself.

Hugs and misses to you all!


Anonymous said...

OMGosh Keri I am right there wit you!!! Eek spiders!!!! They are everywhere right now!! Kevin just asked me to go out and spray around the perimeter of the the house. I have done it every year and this year I told him that's the man's job! He laughed so it looks like I will be spraying tomorrow for spiders! It really does help!! hugs!!xoxox

Born2scrap said...

i HATE spiders too! i found a big wolf spider in my basement and used my vacuum on it ;). Sucked 'em right up! jake just sat there and watched me lol. he was a big help.

Lisa said...

"Hello my name is Keri and I hate spiders", Too funny. I don't think they have a twelve step program for that yet. But if they did I'd be right there with you.