Dec 29, 2008

Should old acquaintances be forgotten, And never brought to mind? Should old acquaintances be forgotten, And days of long ago !

Well another year has come and gone, and we need to stop and take a moment to reflect on what this year has truly brought us. Looking back, I myself have had some major happening such as leaving a job in March, my oldest son graduated high school in May, my daughter turned 16, my baby is not a baby anymore, I got a new job in September, went to the dentist ALL BY, had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas... WOW.. when you put things into perspective like that, sometimes I am glad it's all over. I know we all have resolutions to maybe loose weight, maybe quit smoking, spend more time with the family, or promises you will not spend any more money... this year I am soo going to do it. I have joined the YMCA and will be getting up early to go work out before I go to work and I have promised myself that I would walk more at lucnh time instead of go and have the chips and salsa I crave or that horrible cheeseburger that lands right were I DON'T want it..LOL
So ladies, this is my vow and you are my witnesses... My new year's resolution will be to get fit and trim and my goal is to have 50 lbs (if not more) gone by September 15th.
I will be posting here and there about the good the bad and the possible. A few of us are going to make this our OWN Biggest Looser since we all can not afford to leave work and do what it takes to be on the show.
If you are interested in doing this as well with the few of us let me know... shoot me an email. at the more people the better.. that is my motivation. :)
So on a different note, I do wish everyone a better new year were there is not sickness, pain or losses. But a glorious and more happy year to be enjoyed and lived to its fullest!!
Happy New Year my friends!!! Happy New Year



Anonymous said...

Keri - sign me up for the biggest looser challenge !! I told Heath the other day I wanna get the WII fit to go with our new WII we got the girls for CHristmas... Amy W said it's great for working out... and by looking at her skinny butt it must work LOL! So what's the rules boss lady :)