Dec 10, 2008

More Updates on Jennifer.....

Hello everyone...

First of all you are most welcome for the updates. I promised her I would do this so everyone would know what was going on.
I didn't post much yesterday because I either text some of you or since we know people who know people who know Jennifer I figured the word would get around. Those who have not heard here it goes...
Ms. Roeder has been doing a great job walking and sitting and even going potty on her own. When you have this kind of surgery most of the doctors fill your tummy with gas/air... this allows them to do what they need to do without having any other organ jump in the way :)
Well this gas travels where it wants after so long. The most common place for it to go is in the shoulders or neck and back area. Hers so far has moved to her shoulder. This is causing a lot of pain and is uncomfortable to her. When this gas is used in the body, the way to get it to leave you have to move. So there for the more you stay in one spot the more IT stays and it hurts when you move.
Anyway... she increases her walking each day and the nurses are having her move quite frequently. She does have a tied rope hanging on her bed.. HAHAHAHA (No Leroy has not tried to use it) she is to use to move and help her sit up and such. She does sit in the recliner allot and with all considering she is good.
She says it hurts to breath a bit BUT again its because of the gas...
She had her "Dye test" yesterday where she was really excited to have some liquid in her mouth (she was not to have anything to drink for 24 hours after surgery) it was called Blue Ice. She said it was gross and wished she could have had just a glass of regular ice water..LOL
WELL.. the blue ice was to see if there was any seepage... SHE HAD NONE!! YEAHHH!! Then they gave her an ounce of water per hour... and let me tell you... She sure was a grazin..LOL just kiddin Jennifer... This all started at about 1ish yesterday. She did well and everything staid in and once again no seepage! :)
She has been put on Crystal Light today and is doing really good with it. I did ask her if she had any regrets and she laughed and said she was joking with the nurses that"who the hell signed her up for this" and "tell me why I am doing this"..LOL
I do have to say she has had some really good nurses as well. Very caring and laugh every time they see her... I mean talk with her... lol She has had NO blood pressure meds but has had to have 2-3 doses of insulin but that was due to her sugar level was just a tad high so for precautionary reasons they gave it to her.
Oh and she HATES that she can not shower yet and they offered to wash her hair...LOL The hospital has a shower cap that apparently has shampoo in it and so they wash it that way... Its like the dry shampoo... Not sure if its like the kind to use on a cat or dog but made for humans but ya never know... :s LOL Other than that she is so thankful for the friends that she has and has felt all of the prayers and such and thanks you ALL for everything!! Those that were able to come by and see her BIG HUGS and such. She will be going home sometime late this afternoon or early evening. Leroy has the track so not sure what will happen.. if Tim will take over for him or if he will surprise Jennifer and bring her home.
How's Leroy been in all of this... I think what I will say is... "DON"T EVEN ASK ME RIGHT NOW!!!!" ummmm yeah..JERK! But what really matters is that Jennifer is doing great, she loves and misses everyone and is ready to kick it Roeder Style...LOL
More updates to come... Hugs to you all!!!


Unknown said...

I am soooo glad she's doing well. My cold is almost 100% overwith.. I am so dying to come see her. :( But, I promised I'd stay away til I was safely degermed LOL!
Keri... give her a big hug for me and let her know I'll be there as soon as I can for her :)

luv ya both :)

Christie said...

Give her a an air hug for me! I remember the pain of the gas after c-sections...that was the worst part! Tell her to hang in there! She will be wasting away before our eyes soon! :)

Lisa said...

Keri, Thanks for the 411 on Jen, glad she made it through the surgery ok.

You are such a good friend to her and I know she appreciates all you have done for her.

Hope to see you both soon. Lisa

Lisa said...

Keri, here is my email