Apr 26, 2008


Today I have my niece again for a bit and so while she is playing and destroying the house I am going to blog and do "SHOUT OUTS"...
First I want to shout at Jennifer...YOU ARE DABOMB baby!!! Thank you for all that you do and if ya'll seen Brynn's blog... she doesn't like them blue... AHAHAHAHAH
Michelle BFBFBFBFBF... love the new puppy... sorry to hear that he was chewin up the others... shout out to you too my huny bunches of oats.. don't work too hard and I miss ya. JODY... the cake lady... I need to get with you about a GRADUATION CAKE and a PRINCESS CAKE. Obviously looking at Brynn's blog.. (thus my cake) I need your assistance... AHHEHEH... I will get with you!! The ATTIC girls... OMG... reading the blog everyday has been awsome!!!! You all have done sucha great job with the garage sale that I am sorry i missed it. I will be seein ya'll soon!!!
Tracey... OMG.. sorry I made you cry.. heheheheheheheh just kidding..hugs to you too baby cakes! LIZ! Where the heck are ya huny???? I keep looking and don't see you. Julie?? Update the blog missy!!! Hope Alicia and AMy are having a blast on their vacations and keeping warm...LOL lord knows we are freezin here!!!
Ummmm All of you other one of my "peeps"... and you know who you are... BIG HUGS to you... miss you all and will see you soon. Better end this now to clean up after this two year old... she is driving me silly...LOL gotta love them... here is a picture of her taking a nap the other day...



Savannah Scarbrough said...

Hey there Miss Keri,
Whats up? I think my face is still red from the "Slumber Party". Brynn's lucky she didn't post any pics of me, I'm bigger than her and can hurt her!! Well hope to hang out again sometime!
See ya soon,

Anonymous said...

Sorry I posted under an old account, I computer challenged!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's okay Keri, we all need to shed some tears every now and again :) Sorry I missed you guys Saturday night... I'm going to be making do of that raincheck soon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm on Blog Strike! LOL... Coming soon to a blog near you. Julie updates... News at 10 (maybe tomorrow).