Apr 2, 2008

Just buzzin around today!!

Hello everyone..... GOD I feel so much better it is not even funny. Thank you guys for the thoughtful words and such. I know now that I did the right thing and I will not even look back. I will pick my check up from them tomorrow and turn in my stuff and I AM DONE!!!!
It is really funny, hubby and I talked and he suggested that I go back to school. "Where is my husband and who are you?" ...lol He suggested I do the nursing I wanted to do along time ago or push the catering. Who knows. I am going to take a small break and relax!!!!

Today I am getting ready for crop camp. I am sooo excited that I have stuff I am going to do. I better get off here and get some more stuff done around the house.

Hugs and misses!!!

See some of you at Crop Camp!!!!


Christie said...

So happy for you that you are taking a little time to decide what you want to do! Don't rush it...wait until you really feel like you are making the right choice! Have fun at crop camp, too! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Keri I think that's wonderful! You better jump on it before he changes his mind LOL!
Great job on Roeder's page... we gotta keep her and Liz up to date don't we LOL!

jodie said...

I'm glad you are having some fun time...it sounds like you needed it! I'm all for schooling or the catering! Hey, I know...I'll do cakes and you do the food!! LOL How's that sound! Have fun at Crop Camp girlie!

Michielle said...

Keri, I'm sooo happy for you!!! Life is too short to be under that much stress and give 150% and then get blamed for things!!! WTH!! But, unfortunately, it seems to happen alot.....at least, you are one of the smart ones and got the heck out of there before it took over your life!!! Congratulations!!!! I truly am very happy for you. ENJOY!!!!