Nov 27, 2007

OMG!!! I soooo love my NEW JOB!!!

Thank you soo much for all of the cyber hugs and encouragement... I finally went to bed on Sunday about midnight and didn't feel like I slept at all. I tossed and turned and all... I know crazy huh. I was worried that I wouldn't get my last check cause my old boss is such a TERD and I figured out the cups and such and at 5:20 I put together the final outfit. WHEW! I swear, wen not having to dress up so much in the past 7 years that was hard.. I had jeans, Capri's, um sweats, and um more Capri's and a dress that was 12 sizes toooo small... where the hell did that come from... HAHAHAHAH
Anyway... hair looked cute and ready to put the pants on... OMG... I SWEAR I NEED TO BE ON A FREAKIN DIET or..... OR the dry air that is in here due to the season.... MY Pants SHRUNK... MAN... TALK ABOUT SOMEONE who wanted to jump. I rolled them up just a tad and made it look cute. Needless to say I didn't post last night so I could go and get some clothes.
OK.. Now the job!!! OMG... I am sooo Flipping HAPPY that I left the bank for this. I really am. I have a chance to show someone the skills I have and the ability to shine like I should. I know it sounds kinda nuts but I have waited so long to do this. The new girls I work with are really nice and I do believe that I will have allot of fun there.
Today I did the payroll for everyone.... OMG... that is done a day early is what the boss said so I was really excited. I may have paid EVERYONE allot more but by god it was done...LOL just kidding.
I do want to give a special shout out to Amy and Jodi!!! Sounds like everything went well and everyone is great!!! God was answering all of our prayers for you today!!!! Hugs to you both!!!
Well it is time to go and iron the "new pants" for the "new" job tomorrow...LOL
Have a great night and a super dupper day!!!!!

Hugs and misses to you all!!!!


Summer said...

SO happy to hear your day was fantastic!!!! You sound soo happy!!! I can see your smile through your words!!! Love it!!!

Flair Girl said...

SHINE ON BABY! I'm so happy for you to be happy and have the opportunity to be appreciated! Then-once they taste your food......they'll never let you go!

Please email me your personal info when you have a chance. Be sure to include your address and bday!


jodie said...

AWESOME!!! I was thinking about you all day hoping you were having a blast!! I'm getting alittle nervous about my first day...I'm so happy for you girlie!!

*Chelle* said...

Oh, gee!! I'm a little ferklempt!!!! It's so awesome to see you sooooo sooooo happy!!!!

Lots of love to you, BFF!!!

Liz S said...

WOW, I'm so glad you love your new job. It's great when things work out so well.

On another note, I MISS YOU GUYS! When is Jennifer having another get together, since I missed the last one and I'm not sick anymore, I'M READY

Love ya

Michielle said...

Hope things are still going well in your new job!! It sounds like everyone welcomed you with open arms!!....just as they should!! ;)

doggiemom said...

I'm sooo glad you love your new job. It would be somewhat nervewracking but also very exciting to be in your position. Always great to make a new start.

wild4scrapsandstamps2 said...