Nov 24, 2007

I THANK you for you!!!

All I want to do now is put everyone in a room and open my arms up and HUG EACH OF YOU. Picture this with me... 1 person with arm wide open and wrapped around everyone ... stretching as far as I can. I want my family and you and your families and just everyone involved in everyones life to just to stand there so I CAN HUG YOU ALL!
I have gone through my blogin peeps and all read every single one of them. So this is the purpose of my blog today. I thought about posting to each of yours and decided NO.. this is what MY blog will be about... YOU... that's right YOU.
First I want to tell each of you that I am sooo thankful for you all coming and being part of my life. I know I am quite about my family life and all and don't say much here and there but if I didn't have any of you in my life today I may be in different places myself. Let me fill you all in. My childhood was OK.. not the best but ok... I have 3 younger sisters who are like my own girls. At the age of 10 I was basically raising my sisters. My mother stereotyped us girls to what she thought we were and what we are to become. Growing up she was mommy and daddy and was very stressed. Dad was and still is an alcoholic. Being verbally abused and made to take care of the cooking and cleaning and dealing with my sisters I grew up fast. Mom's favorite quote was she had children to serve her. Well we all made it to adult hood and each have faced different issues with the stereotyping she made us grow into. I always vowed I would not be anything like her or my father and be the better person. I love my parents to death however as people, I do not "like" them as much. After I was married and had a family of my own I could not control anymore what my family was. I love my sisters with all of my heart and they are and will always be my girls... I've helped financially, taken some in, and same with my parents. I am the better person and I know that now. There are more things I could go on and on with but this is a BLOG not a book...LOL Yes, today is alot different in the family because everyone has overcome alot of issues and stuff.
I am not and DO not ask for any sympathy whatsoever and just thank those who have come into my life very much. If I didn't have the friends I do or the kids and husband I do, I could really be going nuts.
I know soo much about what everyone is going through in so many ways that it hurts me to see you hurt. I wish sooo much I could make things better. I was told once by my WONDERFUL mother-in-law (may she be resting in peace and tranquility) that the perfect medicine is laughter. She would laugh at almost everything... made her feel so much better and she went on. I so try and live to that today... "I love and miss you mom"
I think that is why I am the way I am now. I laugh and have fun with everyone, I am silly and ridiculous just because I can be and live like there is no other .. well most of the time. Taking chances are something that is what allot should do if it is right in your heart. Yes I do believe that GOD is there for each of us and will help guide the way.. Can't say that things will be perfect but I can say things will be better and get better.
Take time for yourself and love those who are close to you. Know that you can say NO and feel good about it. That saying that "god give you only what you can handle" is sooo true. I know sometimes you sit there and think.. wow.. I can not take anymore .. and ya know... that day always ends and there is always a new day...
Thank you for being who YOU are and know that YOU ALL are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.


Mega hugs to you all!!!!!


Liz S said...

WOW, I wuv u 2 BFF.

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving with all your loved ones surrounding you and hugging you.

Here's my hug back with a few added kisses.


Hope to see ya soon