Nov 1, 2007


OK... I am here on my break at work thinking of the millions of things I have to do...and all I want to do is take a nap!!! I go to crop camp tomorrow and I am not even packed up. Jennifer wants to pack tonight and load so I better get my butt in gear... OMG... WHAT IS THIS??? I just got a call from the school nurse that my youngest Mathieu is throwing up!!! AUUUUGHHH!!! NOOOOOO!!!! NOT NOW!!!! I leave in less than 24 hours and I am not going to get sick... not going to stay home... NOTHING!!! Am I horrible for thinking that?? I love my kids, don't get me wrong but they are sooo clingy when they are sick it sometimes drives me nuts. It's not like they are 10-15lbs anymore... 100, 200 lbs and that is alot to cuddle. I love the hugs and all BUT I don't want to get sick.
Last night was tooo funny. Jennifer and I sat outside passing out candy and I was dressed as an 8 ball "collector's addition" and messed with the kids!!!! It was a blast... Look on Monday and pictures will be posted :o)
Well break is over and wanted to blog at least one more time before... I will try tonight or possibly over the weekend. Those of you that will be going... SEE YOU THERE!!! Those that are not... I will SEE you when we get back!
Hugs and misses to you all!!!!!