Oct 10, 2007


YEAHHH!!! It's up and running!!! :) I'm sooo excited... just hope ya'll are not going "OMG! this is really silly!!!"
Guess you will just have to laugh... that is what my mother in law use to say to me... when things don't go your way, make you mad or sad, even happy things, you just gotta laugh!
Well here is my story...
Go to the doctor the other day to chat about life and stuff in general, got the temperature taken and then she told me to step on the scale... HAD TO LAUGH.... 9,554lbs... HAD TO LAUGH..
got into the room and she pulls out the gown I am to wear... HAD TO LAUGH... "I'm not going to fit in that" I thought... WOOOHOOO! the table was chilly...LOL
Once the chating and "stuff" was complete she told me it was time for a tetanus shot! "WHAT??
Left with the feeling of violation... HAD TO LAUGH...
Didn't get the house cleaned nor did I get the infamous amounts of laundry done.... HAD TO LAUGH.. are you thinking all I do is laugh at everything... nahhh not everything...
GOT upset the other day!!! Let me ask you this... what makes you laugh???

Got upset cause of the test results... OK ladies... the "Jello Jiggla" has to go on a diet and go for a stress test!!! OMG... 36 years old and have to take a stress test cause your cholesterol is too high??? WHAT.???!!!?? There was no laughing there... kinda scared me. So I am going to do what I have to do to be a good girl starting Sunday!!! I know your not to start a diet on a Sunday but hey... JUST LAUGH!!!!
OK... enough of this blog... going to add pictures and stuff.. so please let me know whatcha think!!!

Hugs and misses to you all~