Oct 18, 2007


You are not going to believe it....... I got this.... YESTERDAY... THE LAST ONE!!!!....

I was sooo freakin excited!!!!! Now I have to find some stuff to put in it... HAHAHAH Thank you ALL who told me where to find one... HUGS~

I am waiting for the dryer to finish so that I can pack my bag for the KC trip to see CK...LOL have no idea what to expect since this is my first time going... Did ya'll here Becky Higgins daughter has been sick??? She will not be there... Well... maybe next time! I got a new do yesterday.. well I should say I was SCALPED. My original girl was not there to do the trim so I went against my judgement and went to the other one beside her.... OMFlippinG!!! I should have just waited for AMY!!! The styl is what I wanted but when I told her how long I wanted it (like take off only 1 in.. spiky in the back a longer on the sides) WHATEVER!!! You know that feeling of heavy hair?? Well when it goes away for a split second and you look on the floor and see 4 inches.. you tend to FREAK OUT!! I stopped her and she was like"what? your freakin me out" ... Freaking HER OUT??? WTH???!!!??? I was sooo pissed... she cut off a huge chunk and so now she had to finish it... I'm cool with it now but then NOOOOOO!!! here are a few of the pics of the hair...

Very short isn't it??? Oh well. It's just hair and it will grow back...LOL Has anyone seen the movie TRANSFORMERS??? OMG... it is tooo cool... they have a "BUMBLEBEE" and he NOW is my favorite along with Optimist Prime. SOOO Awesome!!! Well guys time for me to pack... Renae will be with us and Steff I promise to take care of her! hehehe We will see you all when we get back... hugs and misses!!!


Summer said...

love your hair!!! Looks super cute!!

wild4scrapsandstamps2 said...


wolffx5 said...

I think this is Darling! It looks so good! I know what you mean about getting to short but I think you really like it! It makes you look younger too! NOT that you need to or anything else but I really like it! The scarfs...You know those magic scarfs that were the thing awhile back? Fuzzy and warm and tons of colors? I used to sell them and I think I have some left. Let me know if you are interested. Hope you have a great time!!!!

aday said...

I LOVE IT!! I would soo do that in a heart beat but I HATE my neck exposed. Very sensitive there :)

ScrapKat said...

It IS short, but it looks good on you!